Rita Ackermann and Vanessa Beecroft

Rita Ackermann



Rita Ackermann is a Hungarian artist from Budapest. During the early 90’s she studied at the University of Fine Arts Budapest and later moved to New York City. She cites New York as a huge inspiration to her creative process. She designs everything from t-shirts to actual paintings. Her paintings usually consist of worm colors.



Flipped Over II 2010




Fire By Days (mono) 2/II 2011

Rita Ackermann’s artwork rough and colorful as it is, usually brings out the harsh and critical feelings of the viewer . Her paintings, vibrant and pretty, usually focus on the physical human body’s movement. By making rapid and somewhat messy paint strokes Ackermann is able to use her painting style to express the awkward and extreme movements that the human body can make. When looking at her paintings one cannot help but to twitch and curl at the strange shapes that Ackermann creates. Her paintings fill the eye, like Fire By Days 2/II, with epileptic colors that if flashed back and forth could make anyone squeeze in discomfort.

Vanessa Beecroft


From Genoa Italy Vanessa Beecroft creates performance art. Her performance art often involving nude women are like silent plays that are often photographed and filmed. Beecroft’s work often displays a sense of symbolism and political meaning. While some of Beecroft’s work features the use of food many of her works have a strong militarist presence in them. 


VB-61 Still Death! Darfur Still Deaf 2007


 Blond Figure Lying 2008

Vanessa Beecroft mixes the arts of human acting with the colors of huge canvases.  In a way her use of active human movement and beautiful colors gives off a kind of Andy Warhol factory look. However Vanessa Beecroft is unique in that she brings Andy’s Factory and studio to the viewer, whether they are comfortable with it or not. The models and actors she uses are always women, which are usually half naked to fully naked. As nudity plays a huge part of Beecroft’s work, she usually outlines certain characteristics of a women’s body whether it be expressing her sexuality to her mood. The colors she uses to paint her models to the cloths she has them where, usually falls parallel with the modeless nudity to create a mood or feeling directed towards the audience. Beecroft’s work can be both tariffing and calming to the eye as the viewer puts himself or herself though Beecroft’s work.




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